
From Gold Coast


Alive Live Australia
Ah Gold Coast you missed an absolute gem of a live band VIVARTA with an absolute nineties goodness in their sound, this was their 3rd tour of Australia and we look forward to their return hopefully soon.

Alive Live Australia To the many who missed last night, we truly believe we witnessed a memorable live show from Vivarta last night, we will never forget them, we have been stoked to be listening to their album this morning.

Thank you very much Vivarta, Slow Riots and Daze for such a great night of music. By far the best lineup we've played with.
Vivarta, Slow Riots, Daze、素晴らしい音楽の一晩をありがとう。僕たちがプレイした今までの中で、最高のラインアップだよ。


Slow Riots
Last night's show was amazing..
We made new friends in Vivarta (and I can't explain how good they were!) and played a wicked set.


James Hilan
i wish i could sing like Naohiro-san though, he had the voice of an angel

Dan Bartlett (Daze)
what a night!! playing along side awesome japanese band vivarta,which killed it,then interview for japanese radio,then......thats pretty much all i remember,big one.
they were awesome,and any chance of playing along side them in there home town we"ll def be on board for that


Nicky Hohaia  (Daze)
        Thanks Anako, Really enjoyed your guys sound and really good to watch your guys passion and stage show. hope you had a good time and had a safe trip home. Will keep an eye out for your music. Nick


Mai Hashizume
VIVARTA's gig is freaking awesome! I tried to get some sleep but finally I give up. One thing that I love to live in the Gold Coast is I can meet brilliant Japanese here and Australians look up to them. 


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